When accidents happen through the careless and negligent behavior of another party, you shouldn’t be the one responsible for picking up the pieces. If you have suffered an injury, you should not have to find the money for your medical expenses and you deserve compensation for your pain and suffering.
Personal injury victims often feel overwhelmed and unsure of what their rights are in regard to seeking compensation following an accident that wasn’t their fault. This may prevent them from obtaining representation from a personal injury lawyer.
Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC – Speak To a Pearland TX Personal Injury Lawyer Today
If you are in this situation, reach out to us, here at the Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC. We can assign a dedicated Pearland personal injury lawyer to your case. Each and every member of our esteemed team has countless victories under their belt, both in and out of the courtroom.
We want every victim to be able to seek reliable and reputable representation, no matter what situation they are in. In order to do this, we offer a free consultation and case evaluation where we can answer the questions you have. This allows you to receive some no-strings-attached legal advice regarding your case.
If you do decide you wish to proceed with representation, we work on a contingency-fee-basis, allowing clients to retain an attorney without up-front costs or fear of losing. If we don’t win your case, you don’t pay. If we do secure you a victory, we take our fees as a flat percentage of your settlement.
Don’t suffer needlessly, get in touch with a skilled Pearland personal injury lawyer at Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC today and begin the process of seeking what you are owed.
What Damages Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help You Claim?
One of the most important tasks that your personal injury attorney will carry out for you is working out what fair and reasonable damages you should seek to recover. Figuring out how much your damages are worth will allow them to form a settlement offer that they can send to the other party. The more accurate they are calculated, the more likely the other party is to accept, as they will be harder to dispute.
Your attorney will consider both the economic and non-economic damages you have suffered. To start with, they will look at your economic damages, which are the ones with easy-to-quantify price tags attached. Property damage like car repairs and medical expenses and invoices are easy to add up as long as you keep all receipts and necessary documentation.
Once they have a total sum for your economic damages, they will work out what your non-economic damages are worth. These damages cover the less tangible things. Your pain, your suffering, and your emotional distress will not have a clear figure attached and it will be down to your attorney to judge what these are worth based on their experience.
The most important damages to understand are:
Pain and Suffering
Pain and suffering damages are non-economic and include the pain you have been through, the emotional trauma, and loss of enjoyment of life. If your pain means you can’t carry your newborn son anymore or play sports that you played before the accident, your enjoyment of life has been affected and you deserve compensation for that.
Lost Income
Most personal injury claims involve the victim taking some time off work to recover from their injuries. When people have to take periods off work, they usually miss out on their income in some way or another. In more serious cases, the victim may be off work for many months, even years. In the most severe cases, the victim may never be able to return to work and in these cases, your attorney may seek to recover an entire lifetime of lost wages.
Medical Bills
If your accident has left you needing medical procedures, surgery, physical therapy, or medication, the bills add up quickly and it does not take long for them to surpass the level of medical insurance that you have. When victims run out of medical insurance or have none to begin with, they have to find the money for their treatment themselves.
Fortunately, your Pearland personal injury attorney can help you recover all of your medical expenses through your claim. You can claim all past, present, and future medical expenses. This means that for any treatment you have had already, you can claim for and by working with your doctors, your attorney will be able to calculate what future medical costs such as long-term physical therapy may be worth.
You can claim for all treatment, medication, transport costs, and for any childcare you have to obtain for your children while you are in hospital.
If you want the best possible chances of recovering every penny, you need to ensure that you keep records and copies of all your medical bills and expenses. When these damages are supported by documentation, the other party will not be able to dispute them.
Another way you can assist your attorney is by keeping a daily pain and mood record. Every day when you wake up and every day when you go to bed, jot down a mood and pain number between 1-10 with any additional comments and list any treatment you received that day.
Wrongful Death
In the most tragic of personal injury cases, the injuries may be severe enough to cause the wrongful death of a loved one. While no compensation will ever make up for the loss you have suffered, compensation can at least provide financial security while you grieve. A wrongful death claim can be brought by the surviving spouse, children, parents, or other dependents of the deceased.
What to Do at The Scene of the Accident
Prioritize your safety
The most important thing you need to remember at the scene of the accident is that your safety is the number one priority. This means that you should focus on your own well-being above all else.
In the immediate aftermath of the accident, if you have hit your head, or you feel pain in your back or neck, you may have spinal damage or a TBI and you should not let anyone move you until the ambulance turns up.
If you are confident that you have not hurt your spine, neck, or head, then check yourself for other serious injuries and if you are able, check the other parties involved then move to a place of safety if you are in further danger where you are.
Call an ambulance if there are injuries
If anyone is injured, no matter how serious the injuries may seem, you need to call an ambulance immediately. The ambulance team will be able to check everyone over and will ensure people are not suffering from hidden internal damage. Shock and adrenaline mask a lot of symptoms and victims may not realize they are hurt until it is too late.
The ambulance team will also file an accident report that your Pearland personal injury lawyers can access when building your case for your personal injury claim.
Call the police/fire department
If the accident involved electrocution, fire, gas, or explosion, call the fire department immediately so that they can ensure everyone else around the scene is safe and the situation is handled.
If your accident involved drunken or aggressive parties or involved a serious car accident, you should call the police. They will be able to handle the aggressive parties and ensure that everyone else is safe.
Both the fire department and any police officers that turn up at the scene will file an accident report you can use as well.
Collect evidence for your Pearland personal injury lawyer
When you know that you are safe and you have received any necessary medical treatment on the scene, if your injuries allow it, you should try to collect some evidence for your case. Personal injury cases rely on evidence, and the more you can collect, the better your chances of success.
We recommend taking pictures and a video of the scene if possible and a quick voice note statement.
Speak to witnesses
If there are eye-witnesses on the scene, and they are willing to co-operate, collect as many details about them as possible and ask them if they mind you taking a quick statement. This makes it more likely that they are cooperative further down the line when your attorney contacts them, as they will only need to confirm their statement.
Collect as many personal details as possible, take an email, phone number, address, and name if they are willing to provide them.
How Do You Decide Which Personal Injury Lawyer to Hire?
Figuring out which personal injury law firm you want to represent you can be a difficult decision, especially for those who have never needed an attorney before. Your chosen personal injury attorneys will be the ones responsible for investigating your case, calculating your damages, and liaising with the other parties.
When deciding upon representation, make sure that you ask any potential personal injury lawyers for proof of their past wins and to show you referrals from past clients. A good attorney will be more than happy to showcase their victories and success.
Another good place to look is independent review sites like AVVO which place a rating on attorneys based on their success, years of services, awards, and accreditations.
The Personal Injury Lawsuit Process in Pearland, TX
Once you have decided what personal injury law firm you wish to represent you, you should arrange a free consultation with them so you can ask them some questions and ensure they are the right fit.
All skilled personal injury attorneys should have great time management and communication skills and should be personable and easy to get along with.
Here at the Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC, every one of our personal injury attorneys has these qualities.
Evidence Collection and Investigation
Once you have decided to proceed with representation, your Pearland personal injury lawyer will begin investigating. This process may involve obtaining third-party expert help, such as a crash scene investigator, to help verify your case.
They will also utilize all the evidence you have managed to provide them and will speak to any eyewitnesses that were on the scene in order to obtain a statement from them.
They will use their investigation skills and all the evidence they can uncover to build your case in the strongest manner possible.
Calculating the Damages and Sending Settlement Offers
When they have a clear idea of what happened and have collated as much evidence as possible, your attorney will be able to assign liability. At this point, they will begin calculating the damages that you have incurred as a result of the accident.
They will work out both your economic and your non-economic damages and use that as a basis for a settlement figure, which they will then send over to the at-fault party and their insurance company.
This is where your attorney’s past experience will prove invaluable as they will be able to calculate what your pain and suffering and other non-economic damages are worth in a more accurate manner. When calculated in a way that is seen as fair and reasonable, these damages are hard to argue and dispute.
Filing a Lawsuit
If the other party decides that they do not wish to accept your offer of settlement, they may send a counter-offer or decline it altogether. If you are not happy with their decision, your attorney will escalate the case.
At this stage, your attorney will use the evidence and the case they have built to convince the courts that you deserve to be awarded what you are seeking.
Here at the Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC, every experienced personal injury attorney on our team has experience and past victories in all stages of the process. From investigating to calculating damages, to fighting aggressively in court, we are your fiercest advocates, every step of the way.
Pearland, TX Personal Injury FAQs
There is no set time for a personal injury claim, as each case is unique. The complexity will dictate the time it takes to complete. If there is obvious negligence and clear liability, the case will be over quicker than in a complex case with multiple parties and varying levels of liability.
You can choose to use whatever medical provider you wish. There is no rule that states you must use a specific one. The only exception is in the case of a workplace accident. You may be expected to use your occupational health-approved medical provider in this case.
You have the right to use any repair shop you wish to use.
Insurance companies always have their own best interests at heart and although you might not be able to avoid speaking to them entirely, we recommend that you are careful with what you say to them when you speak to them.
Contact us Here at the Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC
When you or somebody you love, have been involved in an accident because another party acted in a negligent manner, the smartest first move is to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer here at the Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC.
We will be able to put together a plan of action and answer any questions you may have. We offer a free consultation to give you the opportunity to be heard and to receive some no-strings-attached unbiased legal advice. If you wish to proceed, we will evaluate your case in full and create a bespoke plan for investigation.
Contact us today to arrange a free consultation at 936-251-5246.