This blog is regarding marketing for Injury attorneys. In Houston, Texas, accident Injury Lawyers usually have lots of marketing tools in their boxes. Although there are advertising billboards all around the Houston area for all or most injury attorneys in Houston, this blog will cover the rules for advertising for attorneys. Advertising and soliciting are great ways for lawyers to reach prospective clients. When advertising and soliciting, lawyers must follow the rules of professional conduct.
Advertisement for Houston Injury Lawyers
There are things lawyers cannot do when advertising. For example, (1) lawyers should not make false or misleading statements when communicating about themselves or the services they offer. This includes lying or not telling the whole truth.
In Texas, a lawyer will advertise in written, recorded, electronic, and public media communication. The advertisement must include the name and office address of at least one lawyer at the firm. Within the ad, a lawyer or firm can include
- Firm name/address/email/phone number/website
- Services offered by the firm and lawyer
- The basis for pricing and fees
- Foreign language ability of firm and lawyer
- Other information not breaking confidentiality that would entice a person seeking legal services to hire that firm
Solicitation and practice for Houston Attorneys
Lawyers cannot solicit professional employment by in-person, live telephone, or real-time electronic contact. An exception to this rule is when the initiated contact is with family or someone who had personal or prior professional relationships with the attorney.
A lawyer may not solicit or interview any client who does not want the attorney’s services. It is also inappropriate to solicit anyone in which the solicitation involves coercion or harassment, regardless of who they are.
The Rules of Professional Conduct is an excellent tool for attorneys to use the form below:
– Information directed to the general public (billboard, website, tv commercial)
– Responses to requests for information
– Information automatically generated from Internet search

Have your interests represented by hiring a Houston, TX, lawyer to handle your case. Don’t leave any avenue for seeking compensation unexplored; you deserve reimbursement for your injuries. Contact Houston Injury Lawyers, PLLC, and our experienced lawyers will help you navigate your car accident claim.